By Bethel Ruest, MBA
Senior Philanthropic Advisor
Catholics in our community live generously. You eagerly support your parish operations, capital campaigns, scholarship funds, ministries, and many nonprofit organizations both Catholic and secular. Sharing your treasure is one way you express your faith.
Easy and Efficient Giving
Your giving could become easier, more efficient, and more impactful with a donor advised fund. A donor advised fund is a charitable account held at a 501(c)(3) organization. You make gifts into your fund, which is invested to grow your giving capacity. Then you make grants out of your fund to the many causes you support — of any amount at any time. Think of it as a charitable checking account.
Flexible Giving
Donor advised funds also offer you flexibility. You can gift a variety of assets — such as cash, appreciated stock, real estate, and personal property — and receive immediate tax benefits. And many families are leveraging their donor advised funds to teach their children and grandchildren the value of generosity.
Faith-Aligned Giving
When you partner with the Catholic Community Foundation of Minnesota (CCF) for your donor advised fund, you can rest assured your giving aligns with your faith. CCF stewards the gifts of hundreds of Catholics in our community using Catholic values investing. And, CCF screens grant recipients — the beneficiaries of your generosity — to ensure their practices do not conflict with Catholic teaching.
Curious how a donor advised fund might work for you or your family? I’d love to discuss your personal situation and philanthropic goals to explore if a donor advised fund is right for you. Email or call me today.