Professional Development Grants

First grant up to $1,000 LEM / $750 Teacher*

​A study from a few years ago funded by the Catholic Community Foundation of Minnesota (CCF) surveyed active lay ministers in our faith community. From that study, we learned that you’re hungry for professional development opportunities. AND, we learned that those opportunities need to work for your unique context and schedule.

That’s why we’ve allocated grant funds to allow you to feed your desire to grow professionally and spiritually. The best part? You get to propose the professional development opportunity that you feel would help and inspire you most.


*The fund for teachers is currently smaller than that for lay ecclesial ministers, resulting in smaller grant size for teachers.

CCF Educational Icon

Catholic School Teachers

Who can apply?
Lay elementary and secondary Catholic school teachers of any subject employed in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis at the time of the class or program.

What programs qualify?
This grant is for assistance with the cost of programs that provide the teacher with religious formation, instruction in Catholic thought and teaching, spiritual growth, and/or methods of catechesis.


Teachers: Apply Now

CCF Spiritual Icon

Lay Ecclesial Ministers

Who can apply?
Lay ecclesial ministers serving a parish in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis in any department, who are working at the parish during the class or program. Preference is given to paid employees.

What programs qualify?
This grant is for assistance with the cost of graduate level educationministry certificates, or continuing professional education designed to provide our ministers with strong theology and management skills needed to strengthen the parishes they serve.


Lay Ministers: Apply Now

Applications will be processed up to three times per year, as funds allow. Schedule is as follows:

  • for summer classes and conferences, apply between February 1 and March 15.
  • for fall classes and conferences, apply between May 15 and July 1.
  • for spring classes and conferences, apply between September 15 and November 1.

Notification of commitments will be made within three weeks of each deadline.

Note: CCF cannot make grants to individuals, so the check will be made payable to your parish or school. They can reimburse you, or pay for the program on your behalf. 

Not sure where to start? We’ve pulled together a list of programs as a jumping-off point for you. This list is not exhaustive. Feel free to apply for a program not on the list if it better suits your needs.

Download Program List