Banyan Community Youth Thrive and Soar

Community Priorities — April 2021

$8,000 grant to Banyan Community for the THRIVE (K–5) SOAR (6–8) and Summer Programs.

Banyan Director of Youth, Family, and Community Programs Dan Watson writes,

“Banyan’s work begins with a relationship with parents and wraps around each child as they journey from kindergarten through college. This partnership with families fuels the success of Banyan youth from the Phillips neighborhood and builds a pathway to academic success. Two of the most important markers of success with our youth is high school and college graduation. We are extremely proud and excited to celebrate the graduations of our five high school seniors and four college seniors.

As Banyan continues to grow, we appreciate the support of the Catholic Community Foundation, which allows us to deliver quality after school programs to youth that would not normally have this access to the type and scope of work that we provide.”


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