The Legacy Society
An Invitation to Community and Enduring Charity
Legacy Society Q&A
How do I join the Legacy Society?
Partner with CCF to create a plan for perpetual giving. Common pathways to membership in the Legacy Society include:
- Establishing a perpetual endowment now and seeing the impact of your gift during your lifetime.
- Naming CCF or your charitable fund at CCF as a beneficiary of your IRA, life insurance, or other investment assets.
- Including bequest language in your will to leave a percentage of your estate or specific dollar amount to CCF or a fund at CCF.
To get started, reach out to CCF by calling 651-389-0300. Our staff can help you navigate your personal situation and complete the Legacy Gift Intention Form required for induction.
When should I join the Legacy Society?
What are the benefits to being a member of the Legacy Society?
- Professional investment and administration of your funds
- Remembrance in prayer by CCF, now and always
- An annual invitation to CCF’s Legacy Society Mass & Luncheon
- With your permission, special recognition in CCF’s annual report
- Invitations to CCF events
- Updates from CCF’s president on our work and impact
- Access to gift planning resources
What is the Legacy Society Mass & Luncheon?
I've already included CCF in my estate plan. Do I need to tell someone?
Simply complete a Legacy Gift Intention Form and share it with CCF.
Your legacy should reflect how you lived — with kindness, compassion, and faith. Let us help you plan your charitable legacy gift so you can support the causes you care
about … forever.
Get in Touch
We're Happy to Help

Bethel M. Ruest, MBA
Senior Philanthropic Advisor
Email Bethel

Liz Boo Neuberger, M.A.
Philanthropic Strategist
Email Liz