The Catholic Community Foundation of Minnesota (CCF) partnered with Springtide Research Institute to present an exclusive opportunity for our donor advisors. This VIP event will bewas dedicated to learning more about the inner and outer lives of today’s young people. Dr. Josh Packard, Executive Director of Springtide, shared key findings and insights from Springtide’s study The State of Religion & Young People 2020: Relational Authority.
This report — available for free digitally thanks to a generous donation — is the largest data set of its kind, with more than 10,000 surveys and over 150 interviews with young people ages 13 to 25 on a range of topics and themes pertaining to their religious lives, practices, beliefs, and relationships.
In this presentation, Dr. Packard highlighted key findings and voices from Catholic young people, and how they compare to the broader population of young people.
An Exclusive Webinar for CCF Donor Advisors
This event took place on
TUE. NOV. 10
Josh Packard, Ph.D.
Executive Director of Springtide Research Institute
Dr. Josh Packard is an accomplished researcher and academic with an expertise in the sociology of religion and new forms of religious expression. A talented speaker and writer, Josh has been a guest on numerous radio shows and podcasts and has been an invited speaker at many conferences, events, and workshops. He has been published widely in both academic and popular outlets, including Christianity Today, The Huffington Post, Desert News, and Christian Science Monitor, among others.