Investment Conference graphic
Investment Conference graphic

2022 Investment Conference

This event has passed. It took place on Wednesday, February 23, 2022.

Below is a recording of the 2022 Investment Conference, excluding the keynote from Jim Paulsen.

Who’s this event for?
We’ve designed this event for people who want to better understand the world of Catholic investing. More specifically, this event is for you if you’re…

  • someone who wishes to live your faith through philanthropy.
  • a pastor, parish business administrator, or trustee responsible for stewarding the gifts of your parishioners.
  • a professional advisor who wants to provide additional value to your charitable Catholic clients.

What will I learn?
You’ll gain perspective on the 2022 economic outlook. And, you’ll learn how CCF stewards more than $510 million in charitable assets on behalf of its many donors to meet the needs of our local community.

Who should I invite?
Please invite your friends, colleagues, fellow board or committee members, your parish trustee, or your pastor. Anyone with an interest in the health and growth of our Catholic faith and community will find this event intriguing.


7:15 AM  Breakfast and Networking (in-person attendees)
8:00 AM   Introduction and Foundation Update
8:20 AM   CCF Portfolio Update
8:50 AM   USCCB Socially Responsible Investing Guidelines Update
9:15 AM   2022 Economic Landscape Jim Paulsen, The Leuthold Group
10:10 AM   Closing Remarks

Catholic Investing

Rev. Séamus P. Finn, OMI
Chief of Faith Consistent Investing
, OIP Investment Trust
Consultant, USP JPIC Office, Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate

Rev. Séamus P. Finn, OMI, is an international leader in faith consistent and socially responsible investing. He serves as Chair of the Board of ICCR (Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility) and has been instrumental in the formation of the International Interfaith Investment Group. He also serves on the boards of a number of organizations that are focused on domestic and global justice priorities in the public policy arena.

Keynote Speaker

Jim Paulsen
Chief Investment Strategist, The Leuthold Group
An investment management professional since 1983, Jim is nationally recognized for his views on the economy and appears on CNBC and Bloomberg Television programs.