CEOs of Catholic Community Foundations Gather

CEOs of Catholic Community Foundations Gather

Catholic Community Foundation of Minnesota (CCF) President Anne Cullen Miller recently attended the annual meeting of CEOs of Catholic community foundations nationwide. CEOs from 45 foundations gathered in Sioux Falls, SD, to exchange information, experiences, and strategies. Sponsored by the Consortium of Catholic Foundations, the purpose of the group is to accelerate the effectiveness and mission impact of each leader. […]

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We are delighted to welcome two new staff members to CCF. Liz Boo Neuberger is our director of strategic communications and Jeanne Schaaf is director of institutional stewardship and engagement. As director of strategic communications, Liz will build awareness, inspire generosity, and grow impact, driving our mission to support financially the spiritual, educational, and social needs of our community. For […]

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Letter From the President: Each Part Does Its Work

Letter From the President: Each Part Does Its Work

Dear Friends,

Spring in Minnesota is always an exciting time. As we celebrate Christ’s resurrection and victory over death, green grass and daffodils poke through hardened ground. Signs of hope and revitalization surround us.

And just as all parts of our ecosystem play a key role in spring renewal, so too does each member of Christ’s body play a key role in parish revitalization. St. Paul writes to the Ephesians, “From Christ the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work” (EPH 4:16).

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4 Easy Ways to Leave a Charitable Legacy

4 Easy Ways to Leave a Charitable Legacy

You strive to live a good life on earth, with the assurance of eternal life after we pass. You’d like to be remembered for how you lived — with kindness, compassion, and wisdom. One way to have your legacy reflect your life is through a charitable legacy gift. Here are four easy ways to create your charitable legacy.

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